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Does Gluten Make You Fat?

What is gluten? How does it affect your body? Does gluten make you fat? Is it bad for you? Gluten is a protein found in barley, wheat and rye. It is also found in many food additives and this is what gives elasticity to the dough.

One of the most important things that you need to know is that it is different from other proteins and it may be difficult to digest it completely.Best Medical Approved Weight Loss Pills 

Does Gluten Make You Fat?

If you are among those people who are sensitive to this protein then it can affect your body in many ways. Regular consumption of foods that contain gluten can cause abdominal pain, anemia, bloating, diarrhea and fatigue.

Even if you are not sensitive to gluten, it is best to avoid it as it can result in weight gain. If you are having serious issues with your weight, it is best to cut back on these foods so that you are able to promote weight loss.

What Are The Factors That Contribute To Gluten Making You Fat?

Consumption of gluten can cause inflammation in any tissue of the body. There are many problems that are caused by inflammation and these include an increase in fluid retention, increase in the level of stress hormone cortisol, digestive issues and sluggishness. It also stalls fat loss and this can make you fat.Most Effective Medical Approved Weight Loss Supplement 

Insulin Resistance
Foods that contain gluten have a high glycemic level and this can increase the blood sugar in the body. When the glycemic level increases, the pancreas responds with insulin and this can bring the blood sugar level down.

When you consume gluten foods regularly, the cells become overloaded with insulin and stop storing glucose. Insulin resistance can make fat loss almost impossible. Gluten rich foods contain sugar binding proteins called lectins and these can bind to the insulin receptors resulting in insulin resistance.
Does Gluten Make You Fat?

Leptin Resistance
The sugar binding proteins called lectins can also cause leptin resistance.  Leptin is a hormone in the human body that informs the brains that your stomach is full and you are not likely to reach for more food.

When the body becomes leptin resistant, it stops sending these signals to the brain due to which you continue consuming food even when you are full. As you consume more food than necessary, you will gain weight gain and might end up being overweight.

Leaky Gut
Gluten foods contain a protein called zonulin and this can damage your gut. The gut wall acts a barrier and prevents materials from passing through it. However, when the gut wall is damaged, it may not be able to prevent materials slipping through it. This can result in bloating and contribute to weight gain.Loose Weight Faster

Blocks Nutrient Absorption
When you eat gluten foods regularly, they can inhibit nutrition absorption and this can prevent your body from getting all the necessary nutrients. When the body is deprived of necessary vitamins and nutrients, it may not be able to lose fat.

Hamper Thyroid Performance
When you constantly eat gluten foods, you may be increasing your chances of getting auto-immune diseases due to the trigger of antibodies against your thyroid. Thyroid diseases can hamper your ability to lose weight successfully. Most people who struggle to lose weight have a thyroid problem.

So does gluten make you fat and are there any alternative foods? There are many gluten free foods that are tasty and healthy and choosing them can help speed up the process of weight loss. You can research online to gain knowledge about the different types of gluten free foods and this can help you choose the alternatives you want.

When you start consuming food that is free of gluten, you may be able to see significant improvement in your weight loss program. Most people are able to see a difference within a period of one month.

Does Gluten Make You Fat?

As more and more people become aware of the benefits of a gluten free diet, they are changing their food eating habits. Such dieting trends can also help reduce the craving for fat and protein rich foods.

Apart from achieving weight loss due to the change in diet, it can also help improve overall health by reducing various symptoms. Gluten is not something that you need to fear if you are able to monitor and manage it in a systematic manner.

So does gluten make you fat? 
The overwhelming evidence is that people who consume gluten rich foods may find it difficult to lose weight. In many ways, these foods can contribute to weight gain. If you want to drop pounds within a given time frame, then a diet that is free of gluten foods is definitely worth considering.

If you are unable to avoid these foods completely, you should at least try and reduce the number of times you consume them so that you may be able to keep your weight in check.

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