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10 Foods That Increase Metabolism

10 foods that increase metabolism When a health or fitness professional refers to “metabolism”, he or she is speaking of the series of chemical processes that must take place in order for the food you eat to be converted into energy to fuel your body.

The speed at which these processes take place varies from individual to individual, and is faster for some and slower for others. Those who burn calories quickly are said to have a “fast” metabolism while those who take longer to convert their calories are said to have a “slow” metabolism.

To a certain degree, the factors which make a person’s metabolism fast or slow are beyond his control since they encompass such factors as age, sex, heredity, etc. There is a correlation between the speed of one’s metabolism and how quickly they lose or gain weight.

Aerobic exercise and strength training exercises are two ways a person can “speed up” his metabolism, but did you know that in many cases that a body’s metabolism can be increased simply by choosing to eat particular foods? It’s true!

The following foods are all known to rev the body’s metabolism, causing it to burn calories more quickly.

Foods To Increase Metabolism

01. Grapefruit — Research has consistently shown grapefruit to be a top metabolism boosting food. People who ate half of a grapefruit with each meal for twelve weeks lost almost four pounds each without making any other changes to their diet.

02. Apples and Pears  — Studies have shown that overweight women who eat three apples or pears per day lose weight faster than women who don’t eat fruit. An additional benefit is that women who eat fruit tend to eat less overall!

03. Lean meatsLean meats are natural metabolism boosting foods. Try lean turkey, chicken or beef. Because they take more energy to digest than many other foods, they make your metabolism work harder.

04. Hot Peppers — Canadian university researchers have discovered that consumption of hot peppers such as jalapeno and cayenne peppers causes the body to temporarily release stress hormones which in turn rev the metabolism.

05. Broccoli Not only does this phyto-chemical and fiber loaded vegetable increase the speed at which your body burns fat, but it also helps you to feel full and prevents cancer, as well!

06. Oatmeal — Oatmeal is one of the foods that increase metabolism by both taking longer to digest, since it is a complex carbohydrate, and by keeping your insulin levels steady, which prevents fat from being stored in the body.

07. Nuts — Nuts, such as almonds or walnuts, are nutrient dense and full of the sort of healthful fatty acids that are good for you. High in protein, they satisfy a person’s craving for something crunchy and they put the metabolism into high gear as they slowly digest.

08. Beans — It matters not what type, Black Beans, Kidney Beans, Anasazi Beans … they’re all loaded with good fiber and will give your digestive system a workout. Insulin levels remain stable when the crab consumed is as complex as those offered by all varieties of beans, and the protein level is high.

09. Legumes — Ditto everything listed under number eight above. Peanuts, Black-eyed Peas, and soybeans (tofu) are all excellent and nutritious choices which will give your digestive system plenty to work on without making you fat. Legumes are one of the top metabolism boosting foods.

10. Water — Drinking water speeds weight loss and is as invigorating to the body as a cup of coffee. Without adequate water intake the body is not able to function as it should. Every person who wishes to speed his or her metabolism and/or to lose weight needs to make certain that he/she drinks at least eight ounces of pure, filtered water daily.

Small changes to one’s diet, attempted gradually, generally have better results than whole-sale changes instituted all at once. Add just one of the foods that increase metabolism per day and watch your energy increase and the pounds begin to melt away!

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